Supporting Business

Step-by-step global growth support
Long-term technology roadmap and support for establishing patent strategy (IP-R & D)

Supporting establishment of medium and long-term technology roadmap considering technology development stage and technology acquisition strategy based on intellectual property (IP-R & D) and technology commercialization
※ 50 million won for 5 companies every year (250 million won / year)

Supports establishment of R & D strategy in connection with KISTA's IP-R & D strategy support project
- Collaborative business through MOU with KISTA, 100% support for cash (50 ~ 70% of corporate contribution) among company contribution (30% of total cost)
※ 14 million won per enterprise (small business standard), and 122 million won / year for 9 companies

Empirical R & D support based on corporate demand

To support demand-driven empirical research of tenant companies, it is linked with the 'empirical R & D project' of existing technology institute

- (Planning stage) Planning of new tasks such as user-based type project, linking mid-and long-term technology roadmap of company in the project proposal request form (RFP)

- (Steps to carry out the task) When a free proposal-type R & D is selected,
※ Establishment of an offer for free public offerings among environmental R & D support projects through amendment of "Environmental Technology Development Project Research Management Guideline" ('17. 2H)
※ 5 ~ 1 billion won per year / company support, total of about 93 billion won in '16

Technology development collaboration Partner matching

'Technology Doctor Mentoring' through matching professional manpower in each field to provide 'Technical Cooperation Service' necessary for solving business difficulties and developing fusion technology

- Through partnering with relevant agencies such as national and public research institutes *, technical support organizations in neighboring local governments
**, and industry-academia cooperation groups ('17. 2H. '),
* Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea Industrial Technology Testing Center, Korea Chemical Fusion Test Institute, Korea Institute of Construction Technology
** Incheon Techno Park, Incheon Development Institute, Gyeonggi Small & Medium Business Support Center, Gyeonggi Science and Technology Agency, etc.

- 1: 1 customized technology support and resident assistance (80% of consulting fee) if necessary by utilizing professional staff such as academics, doctoral degree employment,

Acquisition and maintenance of intellectual property rights of domestic and foreign development technology

Provide technology protection consulting service for patented technology patents and patent applications

Support for technical data for technology leakage and patent infringement of other companies
※ Technical agreement with KISTA and technology center for small and medium enterprises ('17. 2H)

Provide legal basis for raw material supply and use of distributed test-bed

Promotion of amendment of "Environmental Technology and Environmental Industry Support Act" to establish basis of distributed test-bed for research lab materials anti-entry and exit and local environment facility

- The current law is based on the provision of legal grounds such as the exemption provision for the elimination of restrictions on research experiments such as the restriction of the anti-entry and exit of raw water and raw materials such as wastewater and waste.

- It is impossible to conduct empirical tests in the research complex, or the basis of the utilization of the environmental basic facilities by local governments in accordance with the enterprise requirements for the demonstration experiments of large facilities
※ Based on the legal basis of the law, the local government implements the revision of the local ordinance ('18 ~).